Summary of Research Publications in August 2022

School of Languages and General Education has 1:1 research publications that have been accepted to publish and published in August that consists of 3 papers as follows:

  1. Manuscript title ” Writing on the Internet: Formative Online Writing and Feedback Using Write About” written by Aj. Nur Lailatur Rofiah has been accepted for publication in “Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development” on Scopus Index, Q1 (97%)
  2. Manuscript title “Covid-19 and Two Sides of the Coin of Religiosity” written by Dr. Mark Treve has been published in “HTS Theologies Studies/Theological Studies” on Scopus Index, Q1
  3. Manuscript title ” TESOL Teachers’ professional identity construction in emergency remote teaching in Thailand” written by Asst. Prof. Dr. Mark Bedoya Ulla and Junifer Leal Bucol has been accepted for publication in “Journal of Asia TEFL” on Scopus Index, Q1