Summary of Research Publications in June 2022

School of Languages and General Education has research publications 1:1 that have been accepted to publish and publish in June which consists of 5  papers as follows:

  1. Manuscript title “Combining DNA and HPTLC profiles to differentiate a pain relief herb, Mallotus repandus, from plants sharing the same common name, “Kho-Khlan”” written by  Dr. Kannika Thongkhao has been published in “PLOS ONE”  on Scopus Index, Q1
  2. Manuscript title ” Exploring the new normal practices in Thai university EFL classrooms: Voices of the teachers and students” written by Dr. Marlon Sipe has been accepted for publication in “3L: Language Linguistics, and Literature” on Scopus Index, Q1
  3. Manuscript title ” Hybrid teaching: Conceptualization through practice for the post Covid19 pandemic education” written by Asst. Prof. Mark Bedoya Ulla and Aj. William Perales has been accepted for publication in “Frontiers in Education” on Scopus Index, Q2
  4. Manuscript title “Investigating weekly vocabulary list utilization and vocabulary quiz using Socrative in an EFL context ” written by Aj. Kiki Juli Anggoro and Aj. Nurmala has been accepted for publication in “MEXTESOL” on Scopus Index, Q2
  5. Manuscript title ” Qualities of Effective EFL English Teachers as Perceived by Thai University Students: A Photovoice Study” written by Aj. Thinley Wangdi has been published in “Issues in Educational Research” on Scopus Index, Q2